How to Update Your PHP Version in WordPress

How to Update Your PHP Version in WordPress

Upgrading to the latest version of PHP ensures your WordPress site is taking advantage of performance improvements and crucial security patches. Before you proceed with the update, it’s essential to backup your site and check PHP compatibility for your themes and plugins.

Step 1: Backup Your WordPress Site

Before making any changes, always backup your WordPress site. This includes your database and all files in your WordPress directory.

You can backup your site manually or use a plugin such as UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy. Ensure that you store the backup in a safe location such as cloud storage or an external drive.

Step 2: Check PHP Version Compatibility

Some plugins and themes may not be compatible with the latest PHP version. To prevent any potential issues:

  1. Check the plugin and theme directories for compatibility information.
  2. Use a plugin like PHP Compatibility Checker to test your site for compatibility.

Step 3: Update PHP from Your Hosting Control Panel

Many WordPress hosting providers offer an option to update PHP from their control panel. The following steps are general guidelines, as the process may vary depending on your host.

  1. Log in to your hosting account and access the control panel.
  2. Look for the “PHP Version Manager” or a similar section.
  3. Select the domain or directory that you want to update.
  4. Choose the PHP version you wish to upgrade to. It’s recommended to pick the latest stable version, usually listed at the top.
  5. Apply the changes and wait for the update process to complete.

Step 4: Verify the Update and Check Your Site

After updating the PHP version, verify the update:

  1. Create a file named phpinfo.php in your WordPress directory with the following code:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
  1. Access the file in your browser by navigating to
  2. Confirm that the version displayed matches the version you selected.

Next, carefully check your WordPress site for any errors:

  1. Browse through your site, checking for any visible issues.
  2. Test the functionality of your site, including forms, plugins, and themes.

Step 5: Resolve Any Issues

Should any issues arise:

  1. Consult with the respective theme or plugin developers for support.
  2. Consider reverting to the backup if necessary and attempt to resolve compatibility issues before trying again.


Congratulations on successfully updating the PHP version of your WordPress site! You have now improved the performance and security of your website. Remember to routinely check for PHP version updates and keep your site backed up.

Enjoy your more secure and efficient WordPress experience!

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